Why carry on with old Traditions.... we are genx!
How do I win this Race of life?
What has Attitude got to do with success?
Will this Nation ever improve?
To succeed Stress cannot be avoided!
How do I Face challenges?
If only I had luck and Opportunities like others!
Values, ideals - get Real, be practical!
Isn't it all about making Money?
What is CTC?
- A unique platform for YOUth to explore and manifest their potential in a relaxed, open forum. An opportunity to understand, learn and respect human behavior, achievements and environment.
- A get-together of individuals who want to make a difference in their lives, in society, and our nation.
- A movement that advocates individuality based on collective consciousness, freedom of choice based on discriminative thinking, liberation and empowerment based on knowlege.
- A process that goes beyond the ASK principle (Attitude, Skills, Knowledge), delves into spirituality and psychology, voyages into unexplored values to decipher the secret of success and happiness.