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Ramayana At The Park

In 2006 CM Melbourne put on an ambitious project that was the staging of the Ramayana done in a public park in Melbourne, under the guidance of Swami Swaroopanandaji. The event was free to the public and was a great success with over 5,000 people attending over the two shows. Guruji inaugurated the first show.CHYKs participated in all aspects of the project, building on the experience that had been gained in previous plays and event coordination. CHYKs took up major roles in the performance, and many new youth who auditioned and won roles, later joined the CHYK group. CHYKs were also heavily involved behind the scenes in writing and production as well as audio visual, venue management and promotions. The scale of the show meant a lot of time and effort was dedicated by everyone working on it and the entire Mission family was involved enabling CHYKs to establish bonds with the Mission at large and expand their vision of the work.

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