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What is CU?

          Chinmaya Udghosh (CU) is the monthly magazine of Chinmaya Yuva Kendra, the youth wing of Chinmaya Mission worldwide. The magazine aims at inspiring the youth to nurture a positive outlook and a sound frame of mind. It also provides them a direction to strive and excel based on time-tested values of life. With 12,000 subscriptions and growing, Chinmaya Udghosh has been gaining ground and its popularity amongst youth is on the rise.

          The USP of CU is that it draws from a pool of young writers from all over the world with versatile academic backgrounds and is a platform for sharing experiences and learnings rather than mere opinions. It is hence a magazine by youth, for youth.

          Our readers are no ordinary folk. They are a bunch of highly empowered people with a breakthrough attitude. They all are change agents... a nucleus of influence. They are the voice of whatever they stand for. Our magazine catapults them into a state of conviction which emphatically says, 'the whole world is waiting for me.'

Sample Udghosh
The CU App
May 2019.jpg

Cover page of May 2019

June 2019.jpg

Cover page of June 2019

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Get your own copy of Udghosh, as soon as possible! You can subscribe for a hard copy or even read it online.

Udghosh Subscription rates are as follows:


  • 1 year:   ₹ 300/- or $ 35/-

  • 2 years: ₹ 550/- or $ 65/-

  • 3 years: ₹ 800/- or $ 95/-


CU Posters


           You can contribute by writing articles yourself. If you feel that there are some topics that aren't covered by us, you can contribute by writing about them. Quoting the great Victor Hugo- " A writer is a world trapped in a person "

Everyone has a few unexpressed thoughts, something you want to tell the world about, now is your chance. Awaken the writer in you!

Write to us at


How to awaken the writer in you?

          Although we all have the ability to write, we usually lack the inclination to write. Writing is an art which can be only mastered through practice and effort.


Why should we write?

  1. Writing helps you introspect – I’m sure many of you have that moment where you believe yourself to be an expert on the subject but when it comes to writing all of sudden you’re at a loss for words. Our minds are a messy place and writing help What s we focus multiple thoughts on one cohesive story. Having all your thoughts in one place helps you form a pattern, notice discrepancies and overall make sense of our chaotic mind. Writing can be quite therapeutic if you commit to it.

  2. Writing can get you noticed – There is N number of competitions that give you opportunities to write; from story writing, essay writing, case - study writing…etc. Participating in any of these, not only help to build your skills but also acts an opportunity to pad the resume. If competitions aren’t your thing, you can always write with us.

  3. Writing provides something to look back on later in life - While a picture is worth a thousand words, it’s just superficial as it cannot capture the innermost thoughts of a person. People are willing to risk life and limb (and their friend’s sanity) for the perfect selfie but can’t take an hour to write how the event made them feel. Writing will help you capture the event more holistically and even in the future look back at it with a smile or even share with your loved ones.

How to form a habit of writing?

  1. Set your habit in writing. If you don’t commit to creating this habit on paper, you aren’t really committed to forming the habit. If you want to form the habit, you have to be fully committed. Not on the edge, not “I’m going to try”, but “I’m really going to do this.” And you have to write it down, and post it somewhere you’ll see it. What is your habit going to be, specifically? When and where and for how long and what will you do? Write it down.

  2. Find your motivations. What are your reasons for doing this? What motivates you to sit down and write? What will keep you motivated when you don’t feel like writing? Knowing your motivations is important - and it’s best to write them down.

  3. Find inspiration. The best motivation is an inspiration, in my book. When I’m forming a new habit, I like to read about others who’ve been successful. I’ll read books and magazines and websites and blogs on the topic. Do the same with writing - find inspiration, but just don’t let the reading get in the way of the writing.

To contribute please write to us at : or  

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CU Posters

(Click on each poster to enlarge)

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